Ways to Protect Your Lower Back
These days, we’re all stuck inside thanks to this enduring virus. That’s especially true in a Hartford winter. In our last couple blogs, we’ve detailed places to get out for some skating or cross-country skiing. But reality is, we’re having to be inside at home more than usual, and it’s been this way for a year now. Ugh.
One of the main reasons is that many of us now are required to be working from home, as offices remain closed. And that may become the new normal for many people. OK, so how’s that home office? Is it the dining room table and your desk chair is a hard acrylic offering that may be stylish, but is less than comfortable, not to mention less than ergonomic?
Let’s get down to making a home office everyone can love, including your spine.
Making remote work back friendly
None of us were ready for what was thrown at us in 2020. We didn’t get to plan. We didn’t get to create our home office; it was thrown at us. This is as true at Park Place as at some home down the street. So, many of us ended up hunched over our coffee table in the living room, laptop and paperwork spread across the space formerly occupied by knickknacks and magazines. Bedrooms have also become offices, working with pillows propped up behind us.
Now, we know this could be an enduring situation. Many of us will never go back to the cushy office and the $800 Herman Miller chair that the company paid for. So, what can you do to improve your situation for your back and your productivity? Here are a few ideas from your friends at Park Place Towers.
Change your posture often
This applies to an actual office or a thrown-together home office — change it up. Sitting in the same position in the same chair all day is a recipe for back, neck, and shoulder pain. You can start at that kitchen table, but then move to the couch. Then stand for a while. Alternate every hour if possible.
Put a pillow on your seat
Ordinary chairs weren’t meant for eight hours (OK, more like five or six in the new home office world). But it’s easy to improve that dining table chair. Put down a thin pillow or a folded towel. Draping a second towel in a couple layers over the back doesn’t hurt either.
That’s a start. We’ll try and get to some exercises to keep your back healthy during all of this indoor time in coming blogs at Park Place. Until then, stay healthy and keep your back as happy as possible through all of this indoor time.
If you have any questions or need information about Park Place Towers, please give us a call at (860) 951-3400.